Resonant Frequency Therapy & Your Body

Resonant Frequency Therapy & Your Body

I use ONLY Spooky2 Equipment & All Information Below IS Directly from the Spooky2 Website

The Spooky2 Story

Back in the 1930s, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife's dream was to see a Rife machine in every home on Earth. But powerful vested interests stymied that dream, and it was not until 2013 that steps to make it a reality were taken by one very determined man - John White.

Spooky was born on an auspicious day - 1 April, 2013. The original system worked remotely using the principles of quantum entanglement to take advantage of the scientifically documented antenna properties of DNA.

Ironically, although John had designed and built a number of Rife machines, when his friend Johann Stegmann declared that remote treatment was not only possible, but a reality, John dismissed it as preposterous. So he carried out experiments designed to prove Johann was wrong.

To his astonishment, his results showed that this technique was far more than simple auto-suggestion or placebo, and in fact were so conclusive that he decided there and then to make Spooky a reality.

Because of his childhood experiences with illness and death in his own family, John believed passionately that perfect health is the birthright of everyone. Although he wasn't a wealthy man, he adamantly refused to profit from the suffering of others. So he made the commercially astonishing decision that Spooky should be sold with a profit margin so slim it could be bought for little more than cost price.

John went on to design a new frequency generator capable of handling the complex operations he planned for a new version of the control software - Spooky2. This new unit was powerful enough to allow contact electrode treatments and was capable of driving a plasma amplifier.

By returning to Dr. Rife's first principles, John was then able to develop this plasma amplifier - Spooky Central. Today, this astonishing machine stands head and shoulders above the crowd with its ability to deliver plasma frequencies up to 3.5MHz, ultrasonic, built-in PEMF, and reversible cell electroporation contact treatment - at a fraction of the cost of other inferior machines.

What started as a tiny seed has become a forest, and Spooky is now used and loved all over the world. And the Spooky ethos of care and compassion for all life is spreading like wildfire. We believe that today's Spooky is the system that Dr. Rife would have envisaged for his dream.

And we're proud and privileged to help make it a reality at last.

Why The Name Spooky2?

The first Spooky system used quantum entanglement. In quantum physics, an astonishing phenomenon occurs when you split one particle from a discrete system, like an atom, then move it to a distant location - both system and particle behave as if they're still connected to each other.

This is called "quantum entanglement," and its discovery puzzled Albert Einstein, who called it "spooky action at a distance." Thus, the name.

“Spooky2” Our Mission (from their website)

We will eliminate all illness.

Our Vision

We aim to empower people to take control of their own health

and live long, healthy, fulfilling lives with happiness and joy.

Our Value

We value love, compassion and honesty over profit.

Our Promise

We shall remain loyal to Spooky, and the many people who have adopted him into their lives and become part of the “Spooky Family”.

We shall form and contribute to The Rife Trust for Mankind (“the trust”).

All profits of Spooky T-shirts, Spooky Key chains, Spooky Dolls and other Spooky promotional merchandise will go to the trust.

5% of the profit from all other Spooky Accessories will go to the trust.

We will manage the trust in a fair, honest and open manner.

We shall continuously strive to improve our systems.


A Rife Machine uses the principles of Royal Rife, a brilliant scientist who lived during the last century. He discovered that micro-organisms can be destroyed using frequencies.

He performed thousands of experiments, each proving that cancer has a viral cause, and that damaging this virus usually resulted in a cure.

As a final test, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to a San Diego lab and clinic for treatment. The team included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine cadavers and any patients still alive in 90 days.

After 90 days, the Committee found that 86.5% of the patients had been cured. The treatment was then adjusted, and the remaining patients also responded within four weeks. The total recovery rate was 100%.


Nicola Tesla said that if you wish to understand the Universe, think of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration.

Everything in the universe has a vibrating frequency, properly called a resonant frequency.

How does a Rife machine work? The theory, in plain English, can be understood using the analogy of an opera singer who can shatter a crystal glass with her voice. The glass is naturally vibrating at a certain frequency, and when the singer sings a continuous note at that frequency, the glass shatters.

In the same way, each microorganism (fungi, bacteria, virus, parasite, amoeba, mold, etc.) has a unique and specific frequency (or Mortal Oscillatory Rate). When you transmit more of this same frequency to the microorganism, it causes structural stress, and the pathogen is disabled or dies. Rife resonators generate resonance waves that destroy harmful pathogenic organisms without doing any harm to the users.


Frequencies using microscopes such a long time ago, but we find it difficult today?

Rife invented a microscope capable of magnifications of 31,000 times. He could resolve and see viruses and bacteria no one else could, and while it was alive and moving. He could then apply frequencies to the pathogens and watch them die. Even today, we struggle to match the resolution achieved by Royal Rife’s microscopes.

So how did Rife design such a powerful microscope?

He understood how to build a microscope that separated light into distinct frequency bands, carried by oil not air, and then re-constituted it for viewing - surpassing the limitation of optical techniques which are still used today. It was by this very feat that he realized that the microbes he was viewing were too small to be stained. The stain was bigger than the bug. So he found a way to make them glow using specific bands of light. Then the thought occurred to him; if he could make them glow with a frequency of light, maybe he could kill them with frequencies as well. The rest is history. Electron Microscopes long ago surpassed the 60,000 magnification that Rife achieved, but they kill the subject in the process. Not terribly useful if you are trying to observe live subjects.


Any living thing that lives in or on you, that consumes your energy or resources, and that confers no benefit upon you in exchange, is a parasite. This includes insects, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

It may surprise you to learn that, with the possible exception of viruses, all parasites themselves have parasites. Viruses and spirochetes can parasitize bacteria. Fungi can parasitize larger fungi, bacteria, and insects. Insects can harbour many different types of parasites internally and on the surface of their bodies.

Understandably, insect infestation sufferers wish to be rid of their pests the moment they get their hands on a Rife system, but care must be taken.

When you kill hundreds of thousands of large parasites like mites ("large" by comparison with bacteria), you're leaving all their internal and external parasites alive. When the insect bodies break down, all those living fungi, bacteria, and viruses are released into your bloodstream.

And now you're in big trouble. Since you've just killed their hosts of choice, you will have to take their place. You've just given your already-overburdened immune system a few million extra headaches to deal with. So the rule when Rifing is this: Work from smallest to largest.

When you finally get to kill your biggest parasites, you will already have killed everything they might have otherwise unleashed.

Don’t worry if you don’t know how to work from smallest to largest, we set it for you in the Morgellons and Lyme protocol of Spooky2 software. If you’re interested in this biggest Rife frequency database in the world, download Spooky2 software here for free.


No. Human body cells respond to a much higher frequency than those produced by a Rife machine and do not resonate to the frequencies produced by a Rife machine.

Many researchers who have worked with Rife type machines have been exposed to Rife frequencies for extended periods over many years without suffering any apparent ill effects. Many of the early researchers from Rife’s time lived longer than average for their generation.

Many people think that more power is better. Greater consideration must be placed on precision. The pathogens that are being targeted are microscopic in size and do not require much power to be disabled. Rife machines that boast high power outputs may have the potential to cause harm.


When Rife machines kill germs, the cells often burst open. This is a good thing because the germs can no longer multiply. However, any poisons that are contained within the cell are released.

Running detox frequencies often has a similar result. All of us have built-up toxicity in our bodies, acquired over many years of neglect. Detox frequencies are designed to release these toxins into the bloodstream for subsequent removal.

Our bodies have several natural mechanisms to remove these poisons, but it takes a while to eliminate all the toxins and debris. During this time we often have symptoms that include a flu-like condition, heavy perspiration and night sweats, fever, with or without chills, headaches, malaise, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, pain in joints and bones, and itching, flushing, and reddening of the skin.

Do not be alarmed or put off if this happens. It is a great sign that the programs you have chosen are doing their work. Continue using Spooky2 Rife Machine until your symptoms subside. You can always give yourself a break for a day or two, and resume treatment at a later date when you feel stronger. Shorter treatment times can also reduce your symptoms. What’s more, we also have programs to support your detox organs and ease all the loads.

Also, make sure you have a lot of distilled water or lemon juice every day for detoxing.

Just as your health issue didn't happen overnight, you should not expect an instant recovery. It takes time to gradually kill off undesirable micro-organisms and remove all the undesirables from your body. But it is always worth your effort.

Spooky2 also has a well-developed biofeedback system. Biofeedback scans find the right frequencies for the pathogens in your body. The correct frequencies can work miracles.

Biofeedback scans send frequencies into your body and monitors the results of this. As this sweep is being transmitted, it will stress, injure or kill pathogens. Your body registers these events as stresses, and each one is clearly recorded.

Spooky2 has two ways of doing biofeedback scans; Spooky2 Pulse and Spooky2 GeneratorX.

Spooky2 Pulse is a cardiac monitor capable of detecting the most minute changes in pulse rate. As the scan sweep progresses, Spooky2 correlates each stress event with the exact frequency that caused it. In Rife, this is called a “hit”. The frequencies which caused these are assembled into a program you can save and use to treat the problems found.

GeneratorX changes the rules for biofeedback entirely. During a biofeedback scan, GeneratorX records how the electrical signal behaves. A brief change in the electrical pattern shows that a hit was detected. A biofeedback scan which takes an hour with Spooky2 Pulse now takes just about 6 minutes.

GX uses state-of-the-art components and ingenious circuit design to accurately monitor the current and phase angle of signals all the way up to 40 MHz. So you can really see what is happening in your body. What’s more, GX can use biological samples (saliva, blood, urine, etc.) with the Spooky2 Sample Digitizer to do biofeedback scans. This enables you to perform remote biofeedback scans. You are not required to be connected by wires, and biofeedback accuracy is enhanced.

Spooky2 provides good, honest health solutions without obscene profit margins. Our focus is on people, not profit. Because it’s better to help the many than help a few, our costs are kept as low as possible.

Another reason to buy with confidence is community support. There is an active online forum, and our Facebook groups offer a way to meet other Spooky2 users and exchange ideas. With the Spooky2 Rife System, rest assured you will never be alone.


Those of you who are seasoned Rifers won’t need to to be told this story, but our many new users need to know it.

John Crane was the man who really developed contact electrode transmission for Dr. Rife’s technology. Because his work enabled the production of cheaper machines, he was watched constantly by agents in the employ of those who stood to lose much.

One day, he got a request to visit a person and enter the correct settings for their machine. He was happy to oblige.

On stepping out of the apartment, he was immediately arrested and charged with impersonating a doctor. He was found guilty and served a long jail sentence.

If John Crane had been a licensed health professional, this couldn’t have happened – because such professionals are legally allowed to “treat,” have “patients,” and offer medical advice. And no one else can legally do these things, not even the world’s foremost Rife expert.

In most of the western world, this is current law.

Now, Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Health? 

Resonant Frequency & Your Body, will have you resonating with the healthiest version of your DNA!

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I look forward to helping you heal holistically. 

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